n11= .notice $nick $parm2 has been registered. The password is $parm3 remember it at all times
n12= .writeini channels.ini $parm2 $me chanserv
n13= }
n15=1:ON TEXT:SOP * add * *:?: {
n16= if ( $readini channels.ini $parm2 pass = $parm5) {
n17= .writeini channels.ini $parm2 $parm4 SOP
n18= .notice $nick $parm4 has been added. I recommend that if not done so already, that the $parm4 sets kill enforce on his nick
n19= }
n20= else {
n21= .notice $nick $parm4 password is incorrect
n22= }
n24=1:ON TEXT:identify * *:?: {
n25= if ($readini channels.ini $parm2 pass = $parm3) {
n26= .notice $nick Password excepted for $parm3
n27= .writeini channels.ini $parm2 $nick SOP
n28= }
n29= else {
n30= .notice $nick Incorrect password
n31= }
n33=1:ON JOIN:#: {
n34= if ($readini channels.ini $chan $nick = SOP ) {
n35= .msg $chan hello $nick
n36= .mode $chan +o $nick
n37= }
n39=1:ON TEXT:Akick * * *:?: {
n40= if ($readini channels.ini $parm3 pass = $parm4) {
n41= .notice $nick $parm2 will be kicked when seen
n42= .writeini channels.ini $parm3 akick $parm1
n43= }
n44= else {
n45= .notice $nick incorrect password
n46= }
n48=1:ON JOIN:#: {
n49= if ($readini channels.ini $chan akick = $nick) {
n50= .kick $chan $nick You are banned from this channel
n51= .mode $chan +b $nick
n52= }
n54=1:ON TEXT:drop * *:?: {
n55= if ($readini channels.ini $parm2 pass = $parm3) {
n56= .remini channels.ini $parm2
n57= .notice $nick $parm2 has been deleted from memory
n58= .part $parm2 channel deleted from memory
n59= }
n60= else {
n61= .notice $nick Incorrect password
n62= }
n64=1:ON TEXT:Help:?: {
n65= .notice $nick CHANSERV HELP COMMANDS
n66= .notice $nick (all commands begins with /msg chanserv)
n67= .notice $nick register <channel> <password> <topic> ;Register a channel
n68= .notice $nick SOP <name of channel> add <Nickname> <password> ; Might I recommend that the SOPd person reigsters thier nicks and puts on kill enforce
n69= .notice $nick idenitfy <name of channeL> <password> ;identify your channel
n70= .notice $nick Akick <nickname> <channel> <password> ;Keep a harraser from entering your channel
n71= .notice $nick DROP <channel> <password> ;Drop a channel from memory
n72= .notice $nick RKICK <Name of person> <channeL> <password> ;Remove an Akick